
A Few Numbers

16 fourth graders at our house for Carver's birthday party
2 cans of whipped cream--for a game
4 kids that got nailed at the egg toss
4 pizzas
20 juice boxes
1 tuxedo, that matched 1 little black dress for a big event at David's school last night
1 amazing husband that spoke to 700 people
1 bad cold--Zinabu
1 fabulous salad at an Italian restaurant that David and I got to go to after his event
11.5 miles run this morning
2 sore knees
4 large bags of garbage after we cleaned up the birthday party
3 incredibly crabby kids after too much excitement and sugar
5 loads of laundry run
1 tired mama hoping everyone will want goldfish and apples for dinner tonight


Old Men Reflect said...

One old man.
One bottle of wine.

whatever_heather said...

One awed fellow mama.

Stacy said...

curious about the whip cream game ...