
This is not my dog. We have no dog. Rather, this is how I feel. And about what my back feels like, too. Can it be that I have run my brains out for {nothing}? And don't give me that "oh but you must be in such good shape" garbage. It doesn't feel like it counts if I don't get to finish the race. My back is better, but not completely well yet. To be honest, I'm not a competitive person. I am not running this half-marathon to get my personal record or finish in the top ten (laughing hysterically at the thought!) I just want to stay in shape and be proud of myself for having finished. If I can't run, I'll sign up for another one next spring... but it remains to be seen if I'll keep training in the snow all winter. Don't hold your breath.
In other news that has nothing to do with me, we are sooooooo excited that Aunt Diana is coming for the weekend. We pretty much live for her brief trips to our home. I'm sure she can't wait for endless bass concerts from Carver, pet shows from Lily, and mindless chatter from Zinabu! Isn't she sweet for coming despite all that? It's her own personal marathon, I'm sure.
Hurry Diana!


Chatter said...

Sorry to hear the back is still bothering you. But at least you are in shape now (JUST KIDDING). Heehee. Have fun with your company. I love having visitors.

Courtney O. said...

i totally understand your disappointment about the race. grrr. Hopefully tomorrow you wake up and feel 100%. Maybe instead of training for a 1/2 again you could change it up and train for the tri for the cure next summer with me.....

Shannon said...

Hi Cathy...
This is your never-met-before, husband's oldest niece, Shannon. I poke my head into your blog about every other day, looking at the pictures of the cousins I've also never met, and looking for pictures of my Unca Deedah, whom I haven't seen since 1995 (Grandma's retirement party). And having said all that, could you post pictures of Diana? :)
Hope your back feels better soon. I hate having injuries like that - you really don't know how much you use that body part until it hurts all the time!

Old Men Reflect said...

Keep Pluggin. The process is the important part.