
Recipe For Insanity

1 mediocre mom
3 exuberant children
1 Monday
3,456 questions from a four-year-old
4 errands
a heaping bag full of library books that threatens to throw my back out again
a dash of impatience
add a splash of muddy water tracked all over the kitchen floor

mix the ingredients together and simmer all day long. make sure you have 3 kids who want to listen to their library books on tape at the same time with only 2 tape players in the house. this is a crucial step as it adds just the right spice. of course you will be tempted to put everyone to bed early, but don't forget the homework and dinner and laundry. after tucking the kiddos into their snugly beds, be sure to read a new york times bestseller for fun or you could experience an oven fire.


whatever_heather said...

I am pretty sure that your dish will come out a bit off, seeing as there is no mediocre mom in there! You rock the house, lady. Sometimes you just have to read the book and ignore the laundry...and dishes...and fighting...and tantrums....and, and, and...

Courtney O. said...

you are absolutely hilarious! it's been a mediocre mom week with lots of impatience over here as well.

Old Men Reflect said...

But ain't it fun!!!!!!!!!!