
More Tests
Round 2 of testing for "child X" is over, but we need to do a little bit more tomorrow. Our kiddo was brain-fried after an hour and a half today. We will meet the tutor at the public library in a private room (my suggestions since it is 97 degrees and we have no A/C). Our child can finish what's left and then the tutor can get going with her end of the evaluation. If our child had a very discernible disability, I don't think the testing would have to continue, but as she put it... 'X' presents a very interesting profile. 'X' can read at an advanced level, but also makes story mistakes at the kindergarten level. 'X' cannot spell for beans, which is strange given their reading ability. Has some difficulty with math, and lots of issues with phonics. We're supposed to get an Occupational Therapist evaluation (for writing dysgraphia) but I'm not beating down the doors yet. I hate to over-test our kid all at once. At the same time, I want to be very thorough.

Mostly, though, I am so sad for our sweetie. Our child is definitely having some problems, and I feel terrible that they had to endure an entire school year (last year) of confusion before we noticed. Our child has slipped under the radar, though, because of those high reading scores, I suspect. Even David and I didn't really grasp there was a problem until spring.

So one more morning of tests and then we can let the tutor start crunching the results and write a report for us. We shall see...


whatever_heather said...

Good luck with the testing! I am sure once you guys pinpoint the problems, your little one will have a much better school year this time. It sounds like you are getting close!

etmom said...

I can so empathize with you, Cathy. Your child really sounds incredibly just like my son. For us, the ability to identify the problem really didn't solve much, as it was a constant struggle to advocate for him with the schools, who, especially as he got older, really didn't want to actively address the issue (their proposed IEP in Middle school was to add a "study hall" in the middle of the day to give him extra time to do assignments, and to dumb his assignments down - for a kid with almost a genious IQ....that didn't fly with us, obviously.) Let us know how it goes.
Edie N.