
I am practicing...
taking deep breaths
believing in love
enjoying my kids
not worrying about the IRS and their mean letter to me
organizing closets and rooms and projects (because that's what makes me happy)
cutting back on sugar and flour (guess what? my pants fit!)
running again
saying yes to just about anything my kids want to try
and smiling more.


Chatter said...

All things I'm practicing as well. Flour & sugar are a huge problem for me right now. My pants aren't fitting :( I really wish I was a runner. How do I begin?? Good luck with your list; I love it!

rebekah said...

You rock.

My pants are feeling tight - doing that sugar thang again.

We're going to run, right? So Chatter, how do you start you ask? We all run together this summer!

Old Men Reflect said...

IRS must play nice. They just ask questions, and you respond.
Basically nice people doing their job.

Vivi said...

Sounds like you're doing some good things...for the body and soul.