
It's Monday
How is it already Monday? And how is it already the middle of June? Someone PLEASE tell me how that happened.

Lily and I are taking an art class this week, working with clay. It's so fun to spend that time with her, one-on-one. I need to find something to do with the boys that would be similar, but haven't yet figured out what that might be. The only problem with the middle of the afternoon art class is that it prevents us from making plans for the day. Not enough time in the morning to go somewhere before the class starts, and not enough time until dinner to go swimming (or something) after the class is over. So the boys are kinda stuck hanging out at home this week. They'll survive but they're a wee bit bored.

David is working but without kids in the building it's a much more laid back schedule. He's happy about that.  He had a fabulous Father's Day. We went for a long hike and he had fried chicken for dinner. To him, that's practically nirvana.

We are planning a trip to Minnesota to visit David's mom, and we are firming up our plans to attend the Mehaber. So if you're going to be there, let me know! I'm getting so excited.

Happy Monday.


K said...

you know, i'm just a few minutes south of the minnesota border.... hint, hint.:) we would LOVE to do mehaber, but i'm wondering if it's too soon for the boys. thoughts??

maxandpidge said...

Been thinking about you guys and glad to read about all of your adventures in DC! Matt had a great father's day too - Popeye's fried chicken :) Love to you all.

hotflawedmama said...

yippee! mehaber! that art class sounds wonderful! mom and me??!?!?