
I'm Guilty

Of bragging on my kids. Yes, I am. It's hard not to, when your child does something great and you know they worked hard for it or they finally reached a goal. Of course we all want to share the love when our kids feel great about something. But lately I'm seeing a trend on Facebook that leaves me with questions. People posting their kids' grades online. Is this really necessary? And it's NOT the report cards that have one A, two Bs, and two Ds. No way. It's STRAIGHT As FOR LITTLE SUSIE OR JIMMY. I'm talking actual photos that people take of their kids' report cards and update their Facebook status with them.

What the what? I guess I feel it's kinda tacky, but maybe that's just me.


Rachel said...

Totally Tacky. Agreed 100%. But that being said, I want you to know that my kids are amazing, make straight A's, always clean their rooms, never ever fight or talk back, help the elderly, always scoop the dog poop, and are definitely the most popular kids in their schools. Oh they also do all the cooking and I'm pretty sure even though he's only 3, Owen got an acceptance letter into Harvard last week. Prodigy!

Rachel said...


cathy said...

you crack me up!!!

Old Men Reflect said...

I will post a copy of my EKG if that makes you feel better.

hotflawedmama said...

that is crazy