
I have three posts for this blog written in my head, but they're somewhat lengthy and require photographs. Currently much of my time is spent helping Lily try to get acclimated back at school--whatever that might look like. So for your reading pleasure, visit the following:
Rachel. Phenomenal post on running.
Tesi. Great post on faith and grace.
Bridget. This is what it is like, after waiting for 3 years to adopt a child, to finally get your final clearance from the country of Ethiopia that yes, indeed, you can legally come get your son.

And just in case you need another... Carrie. Homemade cleaning supplies. She's almost too good to be true, that Carrie. She's amazing.


K said...

And in case you STILL need something to read/watch, go see the gorgeous video of a new little guy who is coming home soon. http://www.godwilladd.com/2012/02/introducing-mb.html

hotflawedmama said...

Thanks, love. Excited to read those 3 other posts at your leisure. ;)
