
Why going back to school is like buying a new pair of jeans...

The newness wears off pretty fast and pretty soon those jeans look and feel like every other pair of jeans in the world. It took about 4.2 days for the newness of school to wear off, and now this year feels like every other year. Sure, there's still some new hip things going on, but for the most part we are "over" all the fun and excitement. Homework has started, and darn it if I don't have three kids who prefer that I sit with them while they work... and they all work at different paces and at different times so my evenings are going to pretty much be homework from 5pm to 9:30 pm. I'm the mom and I'm happy to do it, but I might have to enforce family homework time and stick to that. Also, Lily and Z started new schools and the glitz and glamour of new books and buildings and schedules now just feels like school. Lily has some pretty severe anxiety around school and it started to just plain blew up yesterday. Hopefully today will be better. And I'm pretty sure David felt like he was back in the grind when he had to chaperon the Luau Dance at his school on Friday night. Nothing like having to wear a Hawaiian shirt while hanging with teenagers when you'd rather be home watching Netflix with your wife.

And you? Has the newness of the new school year worn off yet? Or have you not started yet?


Melodie Monberg said...

Worn off...had a major meltdown last night...turns out the PE coach decided to reprimand our one very sensitive child for something everyone else was doing...hard knocks of life...but we press on!

K said...

We survived the first day. We had minor backlash after school, and I'm sure we'll be stumbling zombies by Thursday. But we also press on.

jayme said...

We don't start until next week, but man am I looking forward to it! Whenever Isabel gets upset at the injustices of the world, she marches herself up to her room and screams "I just want to go back to school". I'm more afraid to see how my surgery / lack of being around is going to impact their behaviour at school. Luckily, though, thye already know their teacher well, and she's fantastic!

hotflawedmama said...

i think we're about half and half over here.

totally bummed to hear about lily.

i'm a "be here with me while i do homework all night" mom too.

good times. seriously if we lived closer we could pile all 8 in together and then drink coffee and chaperone together. that would be amazing.

jenlyn said...

Still doing homework with the kids at 8:45; the newness has definitely worn off. Ugh!